As I look out my window at the snow falling from the sky and covering the earth, I'm reminded that Jesus washes away our sins and makes us white as snow (Isaiah 1:18). What a beautiful truth, that no matter how dirty, we can be made clean again by the grace of God (Ephesians 2)
Because of needing to cancel group tonight, I wanted to throw out a few thoughts and questions for open discussion and contemplation.
Acts 3 describes the healing of a man who was lame from birth. Not lame like your friends from high school, but unable to walk. Now that is in itself miraculous enough. It's not like this guy just had a broken leg for a while and was limping around. He had been unable to walk AT ALL for his entire life. Think about that. The utter and absolute atrophy of any potential muscle in his legs. Not just the inability to balance, but the completely unawareness of what balance involves. Never knowing the feeling of running, jumping, skipping, or even sauntering or strutting.
But Peter & John, empowered by the Holy Spirit and authorized by Jesus audaciously tell this lame man to walk...and he does. Verse 8 says "walking and leaping and praising God" he entered the temple. So follow me here, this man who would not have had any usable muscle left in his legs, is now leaping.
Q1. What does this tell you about the power of Jesus?
Q2. This same power is at work in us through the Holy Spirit, but most of us still walk with a limp and feel not completely healed of our spiritual ailments. Why do you think this is?
Acts 4 continues with Peter & John being arrested and interrogated by the Jewish governing body, the Sanhedrin.
The question asked of Peter & John is in verse 7 - by what power or in what name did you do this?
Their answer in a nutshell is - by the name of Jesus.
Q3. What does it mean to live day to day in the name of Jesus?
In Acts 4:13 - Peter & John are called simple, uneducated men. Not really kind words. Basically translated, they're a bunch of dumb dumbs. But yet everyone just witnessed an incredible act of power, followed by a very well articulated explanation of the gospel, from a bunch of dumb dumbs.
Q4. What do you let get in the way of God working through you?
Finally, in Acts 4:18 Peter & John are commanded not to speak of or act upon any further the name of Jesus.
Their reply is basically, we're just telling you what we've seen and heard.
I believe it is extremely important for us to being sharing our stories of what we've seen and heard of God doing in and among and around us.
Q5. What have you seen God do in your life, or the life of someone around you?
Leave your comments below.